Never rejects, always accepts-Jesus

Jesus is a strong warrior.  He breaks down walls.    If you have read the Gospel of John or perhaps seen The Chosen, you have some understanding of how Jesus broke through the barrier and the bricks crumbled through the Samaritan woman’s soul.  First, Jesus...

Life’s foreshadowing

Have you ever read a book, and the author sprinkles bits of clues throughout the story that starts to lead you to think about what could happen.  Perhaps you read further in the story and look back to see those crumbs left in a trail that somehow you missed.  Authors...

Truth-Where is it?

What is Truth? Are there multiple forms of truth?  Check out this article where this author would certainly suggest there is more than one truth:   \   When a person goes to...

Redemption! What does it look like?

We have all been created by God.  We are in descendent’s of the first man, Adam. Mankind was intended to walk closely with God, and share with Him thoughts and conversations.  But the first Adam, he broke the bond. Then God created strategies to draw man to him,...

Falling off your bicycle

Just a thought for you: I fell off my bicycle this afternoon. After a moment when I sheepishly looked around to see if anyone had noticed me in fall in grass and dirt when I missteped trying to start to pedal my road bike on the grass; I stood up and then got back on...

Can you trust people, and lean on your brother?

Are you able to lean into someone?   Do you trust someone around you to catch and carry you through times of trouble?    It takes real effort to be vulnerable and allow someone to help carry you.    Then tomorrow, you maybe the one to carry another.  Do you look for...