We have all been created by God.  We are in descendent’s of the first man, Adam. Mankind was intended to walk closely with God, and share with Him thoughts and conversations.  But the first Adam, he broke the bond. Then God created strategies to draw man to him, though sacrifice.  Soon, He revealed the trues sacrifice would keep to meet all mankind burdon, and bring back continuity in broken bond.  In John 3:16, Jesus stated that God sent the Son because He loved the people and if they believed they would not die but have eternal life.  Thus, Jesus, became the second Adam, meeting and bringing back true communion for all of us.

In Isiah 43:7, it states:

“Everyone who is called by My name,

Whom I have created for my glory,

I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”

Notice that God is pointing out that He calls us.  Once we realize we have been called, we can understand why we are here.  We are for God’s glory, and made us to commune with Him and glorify HIm.


Remember, God loves you and cares for you.   As one who has been redeemed by God, He has promised to pass through rough waters with you and hot fire where you won’t be burned.

So stand strong in your faith!!

Know the God who created you and loves you. Know  His promises for you!

Fear not, you are His!